TALK: Biophilia Summit
Globally06th June 2024
Presenting LIM in a series of nature, landscape and technology speakers around the world. Sharing knowledge and best practice to improve the world
TALK: BuildTech Week
Barcelona13th May 2024
Presenting LIM in a specialised group of organisation working in the crossfield of arhitecture, construction and technology

EVENT: Meet the Boss/Autodesk
LondonJanuary 2024
Invited to Meet the Boss event, sponsored by Autodesk to discuss the role of digitalisation and AI in the built environment
ARTICLE: Enterprise Viewpoint
LIM21st February 2024
LIM is presented in Enterprise Viewpoint and discusses the challenges of landscape architecture in the built environment and how this can be turn around.
TALK: London Build 2023
London15th November 2023
Participant in the Panel: Building for nature: Exploring the benfits of Biphilic Design and Build
TALK Greening the City: Hardworking Horticulture
London04th October 2023
Presenting LIM at NLA London, to share and discuss nature in the urban environment and how we can optimise the process of implementation.

LIM is out
London19th March 2023
The BIM of Landscape. In collaboration with Giulia Pustorino we have developed a process of combining nature benefits, quantifiable data and visual aids to support in the argumentation for landscape as a crucial part of the built environment

International Women’s Day
London16th March 2023
Sharing my experience as a female leader of the landscape team in WW+P through a quick Pecha Kucha presentation

Biophilic Design
Switzerland19th January 2023
The biophilic design for the HERO headquarters in Switzerland is finally finished and fully equipped with the Biophilic design develop by ILF Landscape and Biofilico
NFT Exhibition
The Block Lisboa17th December 2021
This Friday our fun Stone Landscapes will be shown at @theblocklisboa as a part of their Crypto Fridays where they will show NFT’s
If anyone is in Lisbon this Friday, take a peak inside The Block Lisboa for a beer and some NFT Stone Landscapes
NFT - Stone Landscapes
The VoiceNovember 2021
ILF is exploring the worlds of NFT’s on @voicehq
What if research projects and artistic endeavours can be shared digital

The Chelsea Flower Show
LondonSeptember 2021
This year #chelsea flower show. The studio went to explore the new and exciting trends of gardening
Uncomfortable Hope
Online Exhibition The Wrong BiennaleSeptember 2021
The Wrong Biennale is just about to launch on the 1st of November and #Uncomfortablehope is a part of the show. The show is a collaboration of amazing artists and architects showing work that interprets the idea of the uncomfortable space and the untraditional ways.
The online pavilion space has been designed by ILF Landscape Architecture and we are happy to finally give you a sneak peak of what is to come on the 1st
To see the show go to from the 1st of November 2021
Female Online Exhibition
Gelbersessel27th August 2021
Happy to announce that the Womb is a part of this online exhibtion inspired and created by women
Thanks to @gelbersessel for including the Womb
Social Art Award 2021
IFAI - Social Art Award16th July 2021
The Womb will be featured in the Social Award 2021 book.
Can’t wait to get a copy
The Womb
Every Woman Biennale, Whitney Museum of American Art23th June 2021
The Womb is a part of the first female only NFT exhibition and it launches this Saturday
Winter Sculpture Park
Gallery 3217th January 2021
The Womb, exhibited in the Winter Sculpture Park exhibition on Bexley from today till 28th of February 2021
When idea meets the landscape